czwartek, 24 listopada 2011

#10 - Ashe - VICTORY

Last free rotation champion - Ashe. Now I'd have to buy some champs until next rotation is out :O

#9 - Cho'Gath - DEFEAT

Game so terrible it's not even worth describing. Feedfest, noobing, and additionally my connection decided to go lazy mode leaving me with ~500 ping.

środa, 23 listopada 2011

#8 - Annie - VICTORY

Tibbers time! I had only 3 champions left from free rotation, so not much of a choice. I 'm pretty new to Annie, so I did some hard feeding.

#7 - Skarner - DEFEAT

Weee first lost game. I picked Skarner, but I didn't had a slightest idea how to play him or how to build him.
Setup :

#6 - Vayne - VICTORY

I wasn't expecting such a streak at the beginning, considering all the leavers and first-timers, but hey here we are, 6th win. I've insta-locked on Vayne and watched them flame me for doing that. I love it.

#5 - Katarina - VICTORY

Bad beginning, feeding, noobing, getting ganked constantly and finding 5 enemies in brush. I like that.

#4 - Orianna - VICTORY

I've never really played AP champions, I don't like being on mid and I literally never have played Orianna. Wasn't so bad though. Teams :

wtorek, 22 listopada 2011

#3 - Soraka - VICTORY

I've played with friends this time so I picked Soraka to support them with my ultra-noobish skill.
Setup :

#2 - Rammus - VICTORY

Second game, another tanky champ. Game very similiar to previous one except it was 5vs4 instead of 4vs5.
Their Garen didn't even loaded. Teams setup :

#1 - Renekton - VICTORY

For first game I chosed Renekton, he is kinda tough and first few level players have tendency to leave often, so I wanted champion able to fight for 2 :D
Champion setup :

One champion - one game

I'm League of Legends player and here I will post my little project updates.
I'm gonna play one LoL game with each champ in the game, starting from level 1 account, and post screens from the games here, including beginning screen, final scores and so on.
Games will be played on EU Nordic & East server, on 5v5 Summoner's Rift map.